Terminfo package fails to load .so file on Fedora 13 prerelease

Robin Green greenrd at greenrd.org
Mon Mar 29 15:49:37 EDT 2010

I encountered a problem compiling yi on Fedora Linux 13 (prerelease):
when the terminfo package was loaded by ghci, it attempted to load the
native library /usr/lib/libncursesw.so. However, that file has
recently been changed from a symbolic link to a library, into a plain
text file, as explained here in the response to my Fedora bug report:


The response suggests that ghci should instead try to load the
versioned link libncursesw.so.5 (which happens to be in /lib in
Fedora, incidentally).

Is this something that could be changed by the terminfo package, or
would there have to be a change made to ghci?

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