Feedback request: priority queues in containers

Johan Tibell johan.tibell at
Wed Mar 17 12:48:38 EDT 2010

On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 3:44 PM, Louis Wasserman
<wasserman.louis at> wrote:
> I'd concur, but I haven't been able to install Criterion yet.  =(
> Let me rewrite things with BenchPress, and see what happens.

As the author of BenchPress I'd encourage you to use Criterion as
BenchPress was written to benchmark medium size I/O actions (such as
HTTP requests) and not (small) pure computations.

> I should add, though, that I think C *is* as optimized as D.  In particular,
> some of the tricks that worked with D only worked because of the way the
> spines were arranged.  (For instance, unrolling the children incrementally
> was a trick that really worked because the children and the trees in the
> spine were lined up, which meant that it needed the Skip combinator.)
> Simon: I wasn't sure what to do there, because e.g. Data.Map, I think, is
> strict that way.  I prefer the lazy way, though, so I certainly don't mind
> keeping it lazy =)

Simon, we really need a good concurrent benchmark for this stuff as
most (all) of the data types in containers are strict in the spine.


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