Deprecating haskell98 module aliases

Malcolm Wallace malcolm.wallace at
Tue Mar 9 07:11:33 EST 2010

> And regarding guest's comments, doesn't the Haskell 2010 standard[1]  
> count as an "actual language standard"? If not, then what is it and  
> why isn't it one?

Haskell 2010 has been decided, but the Language Report itself has not  
yet been published.  So yes, it is a standard, but not one you can  
refer to (yet).

IIRC, H'2010 makes no changes to the Libraries section of the Report.   
There was a proposal for 2010 to update the names of the libraries, to  
their new hierarchical forms.  It was not accepted.  Thus, the  
Haskell'98 names are still part of the official 2010 language  
standard, if I am not mistaken.

There has been discussion about whether the Language Report should  
mandate any particular libraries at all.  No decision has yet been  
taken to remove the Libraries specification from the Report.

Perhaps some of these issues should be resolved for Haskell 2011, and  
I encourage those interested to develop a proposal on the haskell- 
prime mailing list (which is open to all).


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