Proposal: Add these two handy functions to Data.List

Conor McBride conor at
Fri Jul 2 04:59:47 EDT 2010


I use these also. But I'd make a suggestion: dig out the rest
of the structure that these operations suggest.

[Statutory mathematics warning: differential calculus.]

They're both instances of "Hancock's cursor-down operator",
whose type is

   down :: Differentiable f => f x -> f (x, D f x)

where Differentiable is the class of differentiable functors
and D is the type family which differentiates a functor to
get the type of one-hole element-contexts.

The intuitive meaning of "down" is "decorate each subobject with
its context". When you use such an f as the pattern functor
for a recursive type, you collect the ways you can move one
level down in a zipper (whose root is at the top, of course).

On 2 Jul 2010, at 00:48, Cale Gibbard wrote:

> When working with the list monad, I often find myself in need of one
> of the two following functions:
> -- | Produce a list of all ways of selecting an element from a list,
> each along with the remaining elements in the list.
> -- e.g. select [1,2,3,4] == [(1,[2,3,4]),(2,[1,3,4]),(3,[1,2,4]),(4, 
> [1,2,3])]
> -- This is useful for selection without replacement in the list monad
> or list comprehensions.
> select :: [a] -> [(a,[a])]
> select [] = []
> select (x:xs) = (x,xs) : [(y,x:ys) | (y,ys) <- select xs]

This is "down" for lists thought of as unordered bags. For sake
of argument, make the distinction by wrapping

   newtype Bag x = Bag [x]

and hurrah! D Bag = Bag. As a power-series Bag x is the same
as e-to-the-x, quotienting each possible n-tuple of x's by its
n! possible permutations. A Bag has

   no elements in 0! possible orders
   1  element  in 1! possible orders
   2  elements in 2! possible orders
   3  elements in 3! possible orders
   and so ad infinitum...

> -- | Produce a list of all ways of separating a list into an initial
> segment, a single element, and a final segment.
> -- e.g. separate [1,2,3,4] ==
> [([],1,[2,3,4]),([1],2,[3,4]),([1,2],3,[4]),([1,2,3],4,[])]
> separate :: [a] -> [([a],a,[a])]
> separate [] = []
> separate (x:xs) = ([],x,xs) : [(x:us,v,vs) | (us,v,vs) <- separate xs]

This is "down" for lists precisely. A one hole context in a list
is a pair of lists (the list of elements before the hole, the
list of elements after).

> It would be really nice if they were in Data.List. The first I find
> occurring in my code moreso than the second, though just a moment ago,
> the second of these was quite useful to a beginner on #haskell, and it
> has come up quite a number of times before for me.

Me too: I look for it, now. It does raise wider questions about lists
versus bags. If we want to play these games, we should distinguish the
types according to the sense in which we use them, then overload the
operators which play the same role in each case.

To fill in a bit more of the picture, "up" is your regular plugger-

   up :: Differentiable f => (x, D f x) -> f x

and you have laws

   fmap fst (down xs) = xs
   fmap up (down xs) = fmap (const xs) xs

[Statutory mathematics warning: comonads]

If we have "up" and "down", what is "sideways"? Well, refactor the
bits and pieces for a moment, please.

   newtype Id x = Id x   -- Identity is far too long a name for this
   newtype (:*:) f g x = f x :*: g x  -- functor pairing
   type Div f = Id :*: D f  -- a pair of a thing and its context
                            -- being an f with a focus

   class (Functor f, ...) => Differentiable f where
     type D f x
     up    :: Div f x -> f x
     down  :: f x -> f (Div f x)

and now we need to add the constraint Comonad (Div f) to the class,
as we should also have

     counit :: Div f x -> x  -- discard context
     cojoin :: Div f x -> Div f (Div f x)
       -- show how to refocus a focused f by decorating each
       -- element (in focus or not) with its context
       -- i.e. "sideways"

with stuff like

    up . cojoin = down . up

Folks, if comonads make you boggle, now's yer chance to get a grip
of them. They capture notions of things-in-context, and these
zippery comonads provide very concrete examples.

Cale, your handy functions are another surfacing of the calculus

The question for library designers is at what level to engage with
this structure. In doing so, we should of course take care to
protect Joe Programmer from the Screaming Heebie-Jeebies. I am not
qualified to judge how best this is to be done, but I thought I
might at least offer some of the raw data for that calculation.

All the best


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