Iteratee (take, takeR): identical types, different signatures

Valery V. Vorotyntsev vvv at
Thu Jan 14 08:59:14 EST 2010

On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 12:39 PM, Valery V. Vorotyntsev <valery.vv at> wrote:
> I've noticed inconsistency in type signatures of take* functions
> (Data.Iteratee.Base).
> Compare
>    take :: (SC.StreamChunk s el, Monad m) =>
>      Int -> EnumeratorN s el s el m a
> with
>    takeR :: (SC.StreamChunk s el, Monad m) =>
>      Int ->
>      IterateeG s el m a ->
>      IterateeG s el m (IterateeG s el m a)
> The latter type is equivalent to
>    takeR :: (SC.StreamChunk s el, Monad m) =>
>      Int -> EnumeratorN s el s el m a
> since
>    type EnumeratorN s_outer el_outer s_inner el_inner m a =
>      IterateeG s_inner el_inner m a ->
>      IterateeG s_outer el_outer m (IterateeG s_inner el_inner m a)
> `take' and `takeR' functions are almost similar: the only difference
> is that `take' always consume all the stream while `takeR' can finish
> early.
> Iteratee library should not obscure the fact that type signatures of these
> functions are identical.  Please consider replacing
>    IterateeG s el m (IterateeG s el m a)
> with
>    EnumeratorN s el s el m a

Dear John,

I've refactored `take' and `takeR'. The changes are:
  - Int argument removed from `step' sub-function
  - null, length and splitAt belong ListLike (LL), not StreamChunk (SC)
  - consistent naming used in both functions (s/chk/s/, s/stream/str/)

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Code compiles. Proposed change does not affect semantics, AFAICT.
I tested behavior with the following code snippet:

-----BEGIN TEST-----
module XXX where

import Data.Iteratee
import qualified Data.Iteratee as It

test :: IO ()
test =
  sequence_ [ putStr (desc ++ " " ++ show n ++ " " ++ show c ++ "\t") >>
              runIter (joinI $ f n $ It.break (== c)) stream >>=
            | n <- [7, 100],
              c <- "3cX",
              (f, desc) <- [(It.take, "take "), (takeR, "takeR")]
    stream = Chunk "0123456789abcdef"
-----END TEST-----

PS: BTW, what does `R' suffix stand for (in takeR function name)?

Best regards,

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