Improving MonadIO
Ben Franksen
ben.franksen at
Thu Apr 22 18:02:52 EDT 2010
There was once a very inspiring message from Jules Bean on the cafe,
about "Monadic Tunneling"
( At
the time his idea perfectly served my needs, so I wrote a module to
encapsulate it. The code is below, maybe it adds another data point to the
discussion about a better MonadIO. Note that the generality is not idle, I
actually needed the transformer version in my project. (I have been
thinking about uploading this to hackage as an independent module.)
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeFamilies, EmptyDataDecls #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
module Embed where
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Identity
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Prelude hiding (catch)
-- * Class Embed
class Embed i o where
type Content i o
embed :: (Content i o -> i a) -> o a
callback :: o a -> Content i o -> i a
liftE :: (Embed i o) => i a -> o a
liftE action = embed (const action)
-- If the inner monad is IO
data Void
-- | We would like to give an instance @Embed m m@ once and for all @m at .
-- Unfortunately this does not play nicely with the generic instances below.
instance Embed IO IO where
type Content IO IO = Void
embed f = f undefined
callback action _ = action
-- The constraint @Embed IO m@ is more powerful and useful than MonadIO,
-- as it allows higher-ranked liftings.
io :: (Embed IO m) => IO a -> m a
io = liftE
bracketE :: Embed IO m => m r -> (r -> m b) -> (r -> m a) -> m a
bracketE before after during =
embed $ \x -> bracket (before' x) (\a -> after' a x) (\a -> during' a x)
before' x = callback before x
after' a x = callback (after a) x
during' a x = callback (during a) x
catchE :: (Embed IO m, Exception e) => m a -> (e -> m a) -> m a
catchE action handler = embed $ \x -> catch (action' x) (\e -> handler' e x)
action' x = callback action x
handler' e x = callback (handler e) x
handleE :: (Embed IO m, Exception e) => (e -> m a) -> m a -> m a
handleE = flip catchE
throwE :: (Embed IO m, Exception e) => e -> m a
throwE = liftE . throwIO
forkE :: Embed IO m => m () -> m ThreadId
forkE action = embed $ \x -> forkIO (callback action x)
-- * Embedding Transformer
class MonadTrans t => Embedding t where
type ContentT t
embedT :: (ContentT t -> m a) -> t m a
callbackT :: t m a -> ContentT t -> m a
defaultLift :: Embedding t => m a -> t m a
defaultLift = embedT . const
instance (Embed i o, Embedding t) => Embed i (t o) where
type Content i (t o) = (ContentT t, Content i o)
embed f = embedT (\x -> embed (\y -> f (x,y)))
callback action (x,y) = callback (callbackT action x) y
instance Embedding IdentityT where
type ContentT IdentityT = Void
embedT f = IdentityT (f undefined)
callbackT action _ = runIdentityT action
instance Embedding (ReaderT r) where
type ContentT (ReaderT r) = r
embedT = ReaderT
callbackT = runReaderT
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