Move MonadIO to base

Heinrich Apfelmus apfelmus at
Sat Apr 17 08:14:23 EDT 2010

Anders Kaseorg wrote:
>> The striking similarity between instances of MonadCatchIO suggests to me 
>> that something deeper is going on.  Is there a cleaner abstraction that 
>> captures this idea?
> Here a possible answer.  I haven’t entirely figured out what it “means” 
> yet, but maybe someone who knows more category theory will be able to 
> figure that out.  :-)
> class Monad m => MonadMorphIO m where
>     morphIO :: (forall b. (m a -> IO b) -> IO b) -> m a
> instance MonadMorphIO IO where
>     morphIO f = f id
> instance MonadMorphIO m => MonadMorphIO (ReaderT r m) where
>     morphIO f = ReaderT $ \r -> morphIO $ \w -> f $ \m -> w $ runReaderT m r
> [...]
> This concept can also be generalized to monad transformers:
> class MonadTrans t => MonadTransMorph t where
>     morph :: Monad m => (forall b. (t m a -> m b) -> m b) -> t m a
> instance MonadTransMorph (StateT s) where
>     morph f = StateT $ \s -> f $ \m -> runStateT m s

Interesting! (Cross posting this to cafe)

In the light of Conor's remark on the distinction between "operations"
and "control operators"

, it appears that the essence of  MonadTransIO  is the ability to lift
control operators, whereas  MonadTrans  can only lift operations. For
instance, here is a lifting of  mplus :

   mplus' :: MonadPlus m
          => StateT s m a -> StateT s m a -> StateT s m a
   mplus' x y = morph $ \down -> down x `mplus` down y

I believe this corresponds to a "commuting product" of State with the
monad m in Gordon Plotkins language?

> You can avoid all the RankNTypes if you use TypeFamilies (or 
> MultiParamTypeClasses+FunctionalDependencies, if you want) to be more 
> specific about which type b is:
> class Monad m => MonadMorphIO m where
>     data Result m :: * -> *
>     morphIO :: ((m a -> IO (Result m a)) -> IO (Result m a)) -> m a
> instance MonadMorphIO m => MonadMorphIO (StateT s m) where
>     newtype Result (StateT s m) a =
>         StateTResult { runStateTResult :: Result m (a, s) }
>     morphIO f = morphStateT $ \w -> morphIO $ \w' ->
>         liftM runStateTResult $ f $ liftM StateTResult . w' . w

This would make it possible to lift control operators with more
restricted return types. Not that I know any useful examples.

However, not all control operators can be lifted this way. Essentially,
while you may "downgrade" an arbitrary selection of  t m a  values you
may only promote one  m a  in return and all have to share the same
return type  a . In particular, it's not possible to implement

    lift :: (Monad m, MonadTrans t) => m a -> t m a

in terms of morph.

Is there a way to lift really *any* control operator, or at least a good
overview of those that can be lifted?

There's also the question of how to characterize  morph  in terms of
equations. The following is immediate

    morph ($ m) = m

but relating  morph  with  >>=  seems to be tricker because of the
opaque return type  b . Maybe this:

    morph ((m >>=) . h) = lift m >>= morph . flip h

I haven't found an equation for  return .

Heinrich Apfelmus


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