Add flipped fmap
Felipe Lessa
felipe.lessa at
Wed Apr 7 09:58:27 EDT 2010
On Wed, Apr 07, 2010 at 03:33:51PM +0200, Johan Tibell wrote:
> Hi Felipe,
Hello! :)
> On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 3:09 PM, Felipe Lessa <felipe.lessa at> wrote:
> > I've needed <$$> many times and had to use 'flip fmap' instead.
> In my opinion this is not a good criteria for including a function.
I think I understand your point very well. I'm also not fond of
adding shortcuts, and that's why I said I used 'flip fmap' while
I could have defined <$$> myself instead. My reasons for adding
this particular function are:
1) <$> is very useful because it is infix, while `fmap` is ugly
and doesn't have a nice fixity.
Prelude> :t \f g x -> f . g `fmap` x
Precedence parsing error
cannot mix `.' [infixr 9] and `fmap' [infixl 9] in the same infix expression
Prelude Control.Applicative> :t \f g x -> f . g <$> x
\f g x -> f . g <$> x
:: (Functor f) => (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> f a -> f c
<$$> will be as concise and useful as <$>, maybe even more,
because `flip fmap` isn't valid.
2) Simmetry, as the ticket says.
> Yet, if we add all the function compositions that some group of
> people use in their code our APIs get much more complicated.
I completely agree, but I think you're overreacting to this
proposal (no offense intended, please :]). I don't see a
tendency of adding every combinator to the libraries, and I don't
think this proposal will change anything.
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