Potential Network SIG
Ian Lynagh
igloo at earth.li
Thu Sep 10 11:05:10 EDT 2009
On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 05:42:19PM +0100, Simon Marlow wrote:
>> As far as buffering goes, Handles currently couple buffering modes, which is
>> potentially frustrating if one wants, e.g., no buffering on recv, but block
>> buffering on send.
> Buffering is always invisible on input - if there is any input
> available, you'll see it immediately. It has performance implications
> only - but I can't imagine you'd want to deliberately reduce performance
> by turning off buffering (in fact, I think the new I/O library doesn't
> even honour NoBuffering on input Handles).
So is this program supposed to not be valid (or at least, to not behave
as I would expect)?
import Control.Monad
import System.Environment
import System.IO
import System.Posix.Process
main :: IO ()
main = do [get] <- getArgs
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
when (read get) $ do x <- hGetChar stdin
putStrLn ("Got: " ++ show x)
executeFile "cat" True [] Nothing
With 6.8.2 I get:
$ printf "foo\nbar\n" | ./q True
Got: 'f'
$ printf "foo\nbar\n" | ./q False
as expected, but with the HEAD:
$ printf "foo\nbar\n" | ./q True
Got: 'f'
printf "foo\nbar\n" | ./q False
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