Proposal (Trac ticket #3671): Add takeRec, genericTakeRec
and spanRec to Data.List
Christian Maeder
Christian.Maeder at
Fri Nov 20 12:45:09 EST 2009
My proposal would be to add a function like
replaceBy :: ([a] -> (b, [a])) -> [a] -> [b]
replaceBy splt l = case l of
[] -> []
_ -> let (ft, rt) = splt l in
ft : replaceBy splt rt
that takes a function "splt" that splits a non-empty list and returns a
shorter list as second component (to ensure termination).
I've used this function to implement a replace function (below), but the
simplest application is:
splitAts :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
splitAts n | n > 0 = replaceBy (splitAt n)
or with Control.Applicative:
breaks :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
breaks p = replaceBy $ second (drop 1) . break p
This "breaks" function ignores a final separator!
breaks (',' ==) "123,456,,78" == ["123","456","","78"]
breaks (',' ==) "123,456,78," == ["123","456","78"]
groupBy could be implemented as follows:
groupBy eq = replaceBy $ \ (h : r) -> first (h :) $ span (eq h) r
And given a function to split of a single "run", "runs" (with the same
type as groupBy) is simply:
runs :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
runs eq = replaceBy (run eq)
run :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
run eq l = case l of
x : r@(y : s) | eq x y -> first (x :) $ run eq r
x : r -> ([x], r)
[] -> ([], [])
My original application for replacing a substring by a special character
is defined by:
replace :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> [a] -> [a]
replace sl@(_ : _) r = replaceBy $ \ l@(hd : tl) ->
case stripPrefix sl l of
Nothing -> (hd, tl)
Just rt -> (r, rt)
Cheers Christian
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