Haskell Platform tasks for the June 1 2009.2.1 minor release

Don Stewart dons at galois.com
Sat May 9 14:23:30 EDT 2009

There's a minor revision (i.e. versioning/API compatible) release of
the Haskell Platform coming up on June 1. 


Tasks currently listed for this release are available here:


In particular, note:

 * Mac OS X installer is planned (currently will block the release)
 * Decide if we upgrade to 6.10.3

And we need to decide on the fate of some packages that may have
compat. upgrades:

 * OpenGL
 * network
 * happy

Finally, there are a few remaining infrastructure tasks:

 * Unified haddocks

Please consult the tickets if you can help or have thoughts.

-- Don

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