Proposal: In haskell-src, add Functor, Applicative, Monad,
and Monoid instances for ParseResult
Yitzchak Gale
gale at
Wed Jun 10 15:32:39 EDT 2009
In the haskell-src package, add the following instances to ParseResult
that make it more convenient to traverse and modify a syntax tree.
Two weeks discussion period.
> instance Functor ParseResult where
> fmap f (ParseOk x) = ParseOk $ f x
> fmap f (ParseFailed loc msg) = ParseFailed loc msg
> instance Applicative ParseResult where
> pure = ParseOk
> ParseOk f <*> x = f <$> x
> ParseFailed loc msg <*> _ = ParseFailed loc msg
> instance Monad ParseResult where
> return = ParseOk
> ParseOk x >>= f = f x
> ParseFailed loc msg >>= _ = ParseFailed loc msg
> instance Monoid m => Monoid (ParseResult m) where
> mempty = ParseOk mempty
> ParseOk x `mappend` ParseOk y = ParseOk $ x `mappend` y
> ParseOk x `mappend` err = err
> err `mappend` _ = err -- left-biased
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