Cabal: literate hscolour

Malcolm Wallace Malcolm.Wallace at
Fri Aug 21 06:24:49 EDT 2009

> The annoying thing here is that to "do the right thing" Cabal would  
> need
> to distinguish bird-track style literate files (hscolour -lit) from  
> tex
> style (hscolour -lit-tex). I don't think this is reasonable.

I've fixed hscolour - from the newly release version 1.14 there is now  
no difference between the -lit and -lit-tex options.  Both will deal  
with either style of literate input.

> It might be worth asking if hscolour should by
> default just do the right thing, ie use -lit on .lhs input files.

Hscolour-1.14 also makes this fix.  If your source file name ends  
in .lhs or .ly or .lx, it will be automatically processed with -lit.   
You can override the guess, by using an explicit -nolit (or -lit) to  
force the particular behaviour you want.

Another new change, is that you can now supply multiple filenames as  
input, and their colourised contents will be concatenated to the output.


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