proposal for updates in next major HP release

Johan Tibell johan.tibell at
Mon Aug 17 11:18:48 EDT 2009

On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 4:45 PM, Simon Marlow<marlowsd at> wrote:
> > I've wanted to get rid of the synopsis, or make it optional, or make it
> click-to-expand, or something else, for a long time.  But I never managed to
> get around to it - perhaps a Hackathon project for someone?

Me too. I've also been thinking about having Haddock output more
semantically correct HTML to cut down on the document size and make it
easier to change the CSS styling. There's an open bug about the issue
in the Haddock trac:

Perhaps the whole HTML output module could be overhauled to make it
easier to experiment with. Do we have a good HTML combinator library
that we could use to generate the output?



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