Thinking about what's missing in our library coverage

Malcolm Wallace malcolm.wallace at
Wed Aug 5 04:16:03 EDT 2009

On 4 Aug 2009, at 23:05, Don Stewart wrote:
> I would appreciate input from the HaXml and HDBC authors (our most
> popular LGPL-licensed Haskell libraries) about what they feel the
> licensing issues/constraints should be for the Haskell Platform.

Licensing clarity is important for users I think.  But equally some  
users may desire to use LGPL libraries too.  Hence my suggestion that  
there be a separate platform of free/LGPL code (and GPL tools), which  
can depend on the proprietary-friendly BSD-licensed platform, but not  
the other way round.

> I've not yet seen anyone publish something on how to satisfy LGPL
> for Haskell libraries.

The static-linking exception is the commonest means of working around  
ghc's technical limitations here.  The exception is part of  
wxHaskell's license (but not Gtk2hs's), and HaXml (+polyparse on which  
it depends) has the exception too.


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