Proposal: overhaul System.Process

Neil Mitchell ndmitchell at
Fri May 16 14:23:57 EDT 2008


>> Of course, you can already have these checks without any effort at
>> all, using Catch:
> But then you'd also have to restrict yourself to Haskell 98, right? Or at
> least to a subset of ghc's extensions.

The Catch tool, as currently implemented, works with Yhc's Core
language. Currently you can only generate Yhc's Core language with
Yhc. Therefore, currently, the Catch implementation is restricted to
Haskell 98 (plus pattern guards).

The theory and implementation of Catch are unrestricted, and will cope
with all of GHC's extensions including type families, GADT's, MPTC's +
FD's, implicit parameters, rank-n types, linear implicit parameters,
unboxed types - a slightly larger range of things than GHC's backend
code generator can deal with :-) There is a converter from GHC Core to
Yhc Core, but GHC's external Core is a bit too flakey/unfinished/in
progress to have things work just yet, perhaps once 6.10 is out...

>  It's not nearly as nice as a
> solution in the type checker, since it relies on every user of the library
> running an extra tool if they want a safe interface.

True. But its 0 lines of code, rather than type class hackery - you
pay a lot less, you get very slightly less. You can always alias ghc
to ghc && catch.

>  Also, it does nothing
> to eliminate the actual (admittedly trivial) runtime cost of the use of the
> Maybe type.

Use a supercompiler, which typically eliminates most things: - everything I wrote about
Catch and Haskell 98 applies in exactly the same way to Supero. Plus
remember that this command will always spawn a process - I think we
could put a simple fib generator in there and it still wouldn't make a

> Actually, though, now that I think about this, I'm curious... does this
> mean you intend to teach Catch about this particular interface? Or is it
> able to sneak into the source code of the library in order to infer that as
> long as we pass CreatePipe for stdin, the first element of the tuple will
> be a Just? I suppose it must.

It will almost certainly be able to infer the relationship between the
input and output from the implementation. You could of course make
createProcess a primitive, in which case you could tell Catch this

>  Which illustrates another advantage of a
> type-level solution: it allows programmers to infer the behavior of the
> function from its type, rather than requiring them to look at either its
> documentation or its implementation (both of which have significant
> disadvantages... e.g. either of them might not correctly describe all past
> and future versions of the library, while it's usually a safe assumption
> that a type-level constraint will lead to a type-check error on any version
> of the library that fails to satisfy said constraint).

Catch can generate documentation which is precise, and can check
annotations. Your point about type signature being a stronger
guarantee that is less likely to be broken in the future is completely

I'm not recommending we scrap the type system and embrace Catch
instead. I'm just suggesting that sometimes instead of hacking the
type system in ways that makes peoples heads hurt, there may be an
alternative* :-)



* Disclaimer: Alternative may be limited to Haskell 98. Alternative
may not work as advertised. Alternative may be poorly supported,
compared to something as impressive as GHC. Alternative may turn out
to be not the right thing in every case.

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