Proposal: Add concatMapM function (#2042)
apfelmus at
Tue Jan 15 04:27:21 EST 2008
Yitzchak Gale wrote:
>>> perhaps nowadays the type ought to be:
>>> concatMapM :: (Monad m, Traversable t) => (a -> m (t b)) -> t a -> m (t b)
> apfelmus wrote:
>> I don't think that works in such generality since that would imply
>> join :: Traversable t => t (t c) -> t c
>> join = runIdentity . concatMapM return
> Since return for the Identity monad is essential the identity,
> shouldn't we always have
> mapM return = return
> for that monad?
Yes, since
mapM f = sequence . map f
for all monads and
sequence = id :: [Identity a] -> Identity [a]
for the identity monad.
> In that case, your formula is indeed
> always true:
> runIdentity . concatMapM return
> = runIdentity . liftM join . mapM return
> = runIdentity . liftM join . return
> = runIdentity . return . join
> = join
Indeed, assuming that
concatMapM f = liftM join . mapM f
of course.
What I wanted to say is that given the existence of a function
concatMapM of the aforementioned type, you can construct a function of
the type
Traversable t => t (t a) -> t a
which basically means (modulo laws) that every Traversable would have
to be a monad. Since this is not always the case (really?), such a
concatMapM that works for all Traversable t does not exist.
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