darcs patch: [PROOF OF CONCEPT] build readline package with libedit

Robert Dockins robdockins at fastmail.fm
Tue Feb 19 15:38:23 EST 2008

On Tuesday 19 February 2008 01:35:51 pm Christian Maeder wrote:
> Robert Dockins wrote:
> > If you want a package that multiplexes the editline package or the
> > readline package depending on avaliability, that would be easy to do.  It
> > would just require wraping up the #ifdef stuff needed into a single
> > place.  I can probably find a few minutes this afternoon/evening to do
> > this.
> Yes, that's exactly what I want, although a third module name is needed.

Ok.  Here we go.


> How do you set up the cabal file for such a package?

Cabal configuration flags can do this sort of thing.

> The license entry could simply mention the possible readline dependency.
> Cheers Christian
> (Maybe that's useful for other packages, too, that can be realized via
> readline or editline, or even for the common bits of the readline and
> editline packages, since it's not the module
> System.Console.Editline.Readline ifself)

Rob Dockins

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