Proposal: Add concatMapM function (#2042)

Roman Leshchinskiy rl at
Sun Feb 3 20:18:43 EST 2008

Aaron Denney wrote:
> On 2008-02-01, Roman Leshchinskiy <rl at> wrote:
>> Aaron Denney wrote:
>>> On 2008-02-01, Roman Leshchinskiy <rl at> wrote:
>>>> Bulat Ziganshin wrote:
>>>>> the right way to deal with "modifiers" is to attach them to the Handle
>>>>> itself like this:
>>>>> f <- openFile "name" >>= withLocking >>= withEncoding utf8
>>>> IMO, global state is never "the right way" if it can be avoided. It will 
>>>> always lead to problems. Especially in a functional language like Haskell.
>>> This isn't global state, but local to the handle, and only affects where
>>> the handle is passed in.  It's just extending an opaque data type.
>> If I can destructively change the encoding assocated with a Handle, then 
>> it's global state.
> Right.  But the example given doesn't necessarily have that.
> x <- [5, 6] >>= (return .) (+ 1) 
> No modification is going on, but return of new values.

True, but that is a very obfuscated way of doing this. If the handle is 
not modified destructively, then there is no need for withLocking etc. 
to be monadic.


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