darcs patch: fmt cabal (and 9 more)

gwern0 at gmail.com gwern0 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 7 11:50:54 EDT 2008

Mon Apr  7 00:50:28 EDT 2008  gwern0 at gmail.com
  * fmt cabal

Mon Apr  7 00:50:49 EDT 2008  gwern0 at gmail.com
  * .cabal: +category

Mon Apr  7 00:53:00 EDT 2008  gwern0 at gmail.com
  * .cabal: change homepage and links
  The original listed website, <http://www.haskell.org/QuickCheck/>, seems to be quite dead. I've replaced it with a link to the haskell wiki and to the old chalmers site.

Mon Apr  7 00:57:49 EDT 2008  gwern0 at gmail.com
  * improve README

Mon Apr  7 00:59:04 EDT 2008  gwern0 at gmail.com
  * .cabal: add a real description

Mon Apr  7 01:00:18 EDT 2008  gwern0 at gmail.com
  * .cabal: BSD4 -> BSD3 license change
  The 4-clause BSD includes the advertising clause, and is 4 clauses long. The provided LICENSE file doesn't seem to have an advertising clause for anyone, and seems to have only 3 clauses. Which is good, as people don't like the advertising BSD license - why it's deprecated.

Mon Apr  7 01:01:46 EDT 2008  gwern0 at gmail.com
  * .cabal: +Bringert to copyright
  Per the license file, which mentions two copyright holders.

Mon Apr  7 01:05:34 EDT 2008  gwern0 at gmail.com
  * -Wall Monadic.hs

Mon Apr  7 11:46:44 EDT 2008  gwern0 at gmail.com
  * some misc partial -Wall

Mon Apr  7 11:50:03 EDT 2008  gwern0 at gmail.com
  * .cabal: don't forget the examples
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