hsql-1.7 with ghc-6.8

Duncan Coutts duncan.coutts at worc.ox.ac.uk
Tue Sep 25 08:46:09 EDT 2007

In message <46F7AA98.9020402 at imn.htwk-leipzig.de> Johannes Waldmann
<waldmann at imn.htwk-leipzig.de> writes:
> something seemed to have changed in cabal
> (compiling hsql-1.7 with ghc version
> HSQL/MySQL$ runhaskell Setup.lhs configure -p -O
> Setup.lhs:8:33:
>     Module
>     `Distribution.Simple.Utils'
>     does not export
>     `rawSystemVerbose'
> (same: http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/hsql-mysql/1.7/log )
> is there a workaround?

The api that the Setup.lhs is using has changed, it's not just rawSystemVerbose.
The return types are now IO () not IO ExitCode and verbosity is now a proper
Verbosity type, not an Int. The Setup.lhs can be considerably simplified by
using configurations and other new features.

So basically it needs updating for the newer cabal. It may also need to be
updated for the fact that many modules from the base package have been split off.

I've attached an example updated Setup.lhs and hsql-mysql.cabal files.

Don was suggesting we start a wiki page with advice to package maintainers on
what updates are common for the transition to ghc-6.8 and cabal-1.2. This is a
certainly a good idea. By trying a range of packages it should also tell us if
there are any minor cabal changes that we could do to make the transition
smoother (eg adding back rawSystemVerbose with a deprecation warning).

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