Cont as Monoid

David Menendez zednenem at
Sun Sep 9 16:15:56 EDT 2007

On 9/9/07, Conal Elliott <conal at> wrote:
> > "Cont (Endo b) a" is the usual backtracking monad.
> It is?  Would you say more about that?  A pointer would be fine.  I'm
> wondering what the role of Endo is here.

I don't know if there's anything written about it.

Essentially, "Cont (Endo b) a" is isomorphic to "(a -> b -> b) -> b ->
b", which is (one implementation of) a backtracking monad. The use of
Endo b introduces the failure continuation.

newtype Nondet a = Nondet { runNondet :: forall b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) }

toNondet :: (forall b. Cont (Endo b) a) -> Nondet a
toNondet m = Nondet (\sk fk -> appEndo (runCont m (Endo . sk)) fk)

fromNondet :: Nondet a -> Cont (Endo b) a
fromNondet m = Cont $ \sk -> Endo $ \fk -> runNondet m (appEndo . sk) fk

The Monad and MonadPlus instances you would write for Nondet are
equivalent to the instances for Cont (Endo b).

instance Monad Nondet where
    return a = Nondet (\k -> k a)
    m >>= f = Nondet (\k -> runNondet m (\a -> runNondet (f a) k))

instance MonadPlus Nondet where
    mzero = Nondet (\k -> id)
    mplus a b = Nondet (\k -> runNondet a k . runNondet b k)

Note that id and (.) are the mempty and mappend for Endo.

Interestingly, the backtracking monad transformer NondetT m a is
equivalent to "forall b. Cont (Endo (m b)) a", not "ContT (Endo b) m

newtype NondetT m a = NondetT { runNondetT :: forall b. (a -> m b -> m
b) -> m b -> m b }

toNondetT :: (forall b. Cont (Endo (m b)) a) -> NondetT m a
toNondetT m = NondetT (\sk fk -> appEndo (runCont m (Endo . sk)) fk)

fromNondetT :: NondetT m a -> Cont (Endo (m b)) a
fromNondetT m = Cont $ \sk -> Endo $ \fk -> runNondetT m (appEndo . sk) fk

Here's the lift for NondetT, after conversion:

lift' :: Monad m => m a -> Cont (Endo (m b)) a
lift' m = Cont $ \sk -> Endo $ \fk -> m >>= \a -> appEndo (sk a) fk

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