Proposal: Add Compositor class as superclass of Arrow
Twan van Laarhoven
twanvl at
Sun Oct 21 15:06:32 EDT 2007
Ashley Yakeley wrote:
> 3. There might be another useful class that's a subclass of Category and
> a superclass of Arrow, that essentially includes first but not arr. If
> someone wants to name it and define it, we can put it in the class
> hierarchy.
My proposal would be the following. The important things are that:
1. It incorporates Conal's deep arrow,
2. as well as everything that is needed for functional
references/lenses and bijective/invertible functions.
I have chosen to reuse prelude names where possible.
class Category cat where
id :: cat a a
(.) :: cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
-- | 'cat' can work with pairs
class Category cat => CategoryPair cat where
fst :: cat (a,b) a
snd :: cat (a,b) b
swap :: cat (a,b) (b,a)
first :: cat a b -> cat (a,c) (b,c)
second :: cat a b -> cat (c,a) (c,b)
(***) :: cat a b -> cat c d -> cat (a,c) (b,d)
snd = fst . swap
second f = swap . first f . swap
f *** g = second g . first f
class CategoryPair cat => CategoryFanOut cat where
(&&&) :: cat a b -> cat a c -> cat a (b,c)
dup :: cat a (a,a)
f &&& g = f *** g . dup
-- | 'cat' can work with eithers
-- Dual to CategoryPair
class Category cat => CategoryChoice cat where
inl :: cat a (Either a b)
inr :: cat b (Either a b)
mirror :: cat (Either a b) (Either b a)
left :: cat a b -> cat (Either a c) (Either b c)
right :: cat a b -> cat (Either c a) (Either c b)
(+++) :: cat a b -> cat c d -> cat (a,c) (b,d)
inr = mirror . inl
right f = mirror . left f . mirror
f +++ g = right g . left f
class CategoryChoice cat => CategoryFanIn cat where
(|||) :: cat a c -> cat b c -> cat (Either a b) c
untag :: cat (Either a a) a
f ||| g = untag . f +++ g
class Category cat => CategoryZero cat where
zeroCat :: cat a b
class CategoryZero cat => CategoryPlus cat where
(<+>) :: cat a b -> cat a b -> cat a b
-- this is what ArrowPlus uses, but perhaps
-- (///) is a better choice, because it looks more like the others.
class CategoryPair cat => CategoryApply cat where
app :: cat (cat a b, a) b
class CategoryPair cat => CategoryLoop cat where
loop :: cat (a,c) (b,c) -> cat a b
-- no idea how useful this is, but it is nice for symmetry
class CategoryChoice cat => CategoryCoLoop cat where
coloop :: cat (Either a c) (Either b c) -> cat a b
-- | Categories that can manipulate functions.
-- This is most of 'DeepArrow'.
class Category cat => CategoryFun cat where
result :: cat b c -> cat (a -> b) (a -> c)
curry :: cat ((a, b) -> c) (a -> b -> c)
uncurry :: cat (a -> b -> c) ((a, b) -> c)
funF :: cat (c -> a, b) (c -> (a, b))
funS :: cat (a, c -> b) (c -> (a, b))
funR :: cat (a -> c -> b) (c -> a -> b)
-- instances for t = Either and/or t = (,)
-- If h98 compatability is important, it could be split into two classes
-- or the functions lrAssocP and lrAssocE (specialized to pair/either)
-- could be put into CategoryPair and CategoryChoice respectively.
-- Maybe this should be a super class of those two classes:
-- class CategoryAssoc cat (,) => CategoryPair cat
-- class CategoryAssoc cat Either => CategoryChoice cat
-- Then we also have that rAssocP = swap . lAssocP . swap
class Category cat => CategoryAssoc cat t where
lAssoc :: cat (t a (t b c)) (t (t a b) c)
rAssoc :: cat (t (t a b) c) (t a (t b c))
-- | 'cat' contains all invertible functions (bijections)
class Category cat => InvArrow cat where
arrInv :: (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> cat a b
-- | 'cat' contains all functional references
class InvArrow cat => RefArrow cat where
arrRef :: (a -> b) -> (b -> a -> a) -> cat a b
-- | 'cat' contains all Haskell functions
class RefArrow cat => FunArrow cat where
arr :: (a -> b) -> cat a b
-- For backwards compatability:
-- These should be class aliases
class (FunArrow cat, CategoryPair cat) => Arrow cat
class (Arrow cat, CategoryChoice cat) => ArrowChoice cat
class (Arrow cat, CategoryZero cat) => ArrowZero cat
class (Arrow cat, CategoryPlus cat) => ArrowPlus cat
class (Arrow cat, CategoryApply cat) => ArrowApply cat
class (Arrow cat, CategoryLoop cat) => ArrowLoop cat
I would further propose that all classes named Category* go into
Control.Category, while Arrow* goes into Control.Arrow. The latter can
re-export the Control.Category module.
And while we are busy messing with the arrows, I think the Kleisli type
should change, it can be an instance of most of Category* with just
Functor or Applicative instead of requiring the type to be a Monad.
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