Proposal: Add Compositor class as superclass of Arrow
Twan van Laarhoven
twanvl at
Thu Oct 18 07:36:24 EDT 2007
Conal Elliott wrote:
> While we're at it, how about one or more classes in between
> Category/Compositor and Arrow?
While looking into functional references I came up with the heirarchy:
> class Category (~>) where
> id :: a ~> a
> (.) :: (b ~> c) -> (a ~> b) -> (a ~> c)
> class Cagegory (~>) => InvArrow (~>) where
> -- | invArr f g may only be used if g . f = id = f. g
> invArr :: (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> (a ~> b)
> class InvArrow (~>) => RefArrow (~>) where
> refArr :: (a -> b) -> (b -> a -> a) -> (a ~> b)
> class RefArrow (~>) => Arrow (~>) where
> arr :: (a -> b) -> (a ~> b)
InvArrow allows invertible functions to be lifted to the arrow type,
while RefArrow lifts functional references. I am not too happy about the
names, but I like the idea itself.
apfelmus wrote:
> class Cartesian cat where
> fst :: cat (a,b) a
> snd :: cat (a,b) b
> (&&&) :: cat c a -> cat c b -> cat c (a,b)
> with the conditions
> fst . (f &&& g) = f
> snd . (f &&& g) = g
That is not correct, fst . (f &&& g) also has the side effects of g.
> get first and second and that would be everything we need for arrows
> (besides arr ). But IIRC, (&&&) does impose an "order of side effects"
> on the arguments, so Arrows are more general
For the InvArrow of invertible functions:
> data Invertible a b = Invertible { fun :: a -> b, inverse :: b -> a }
The functions (***), first and second are definable, while fan out,
(&&&) is not. What I came up with was:
> class Category (~>) => CategoryPair (~>) where
> first :: (a ~> b) -> ((a,d) ~> (b,d))
> second :: (a ~> b) -> ((d,a) ~> (d,b))
> (***) :: (a ~> b) -> (c ~> d) -> ((a,c) ~> (b,d))
> swap :: (a,b) ~> (b,a)
> class CategoryPair (~>) => CategoryFanOut (~>) where
> (&&&) :: (a ~> b) -> (a ~> c) -> (a ~> (b,c))
Exactly the same problem comes up for ArrowChoice and the fan out
operator (|||), again the class can be split in two.
I am not sure how this should be combined with Conal's deep arrows,
perhaps fst and snd could be added to CategoryPair as well.
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