Maybe Monoid spilt milk

Conor McBride ctm at Cs.Nott.AC.UK
Fri Nov 30 20:52:56 EST 2007

Hi Don

On 29 Nov 2007, at 18:37, Don Stewart wrote:

> ctm:
>> I don't know if this breaks anybody else's code, but it
>> certainly breaks mine. I guess I'll just have to stop using
>> Data.Monoid and roll my own. That's not a serious hardship,
>> I suppose.
> The Monoid instance is not that widely used -- I think it is not too
> late to change. You could propose correcting it, with some examples of
> why it is more flexible

I've had a little think and this really pulls at a bigger
bit of fabric. I'll try to make some sense locally in the next
few days, but changing jobs may distract me.

I'm heartened.

Many thanks


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