why is Data.Set not a Monad?
Frederik Eaton
frederik at a5.repetae.net
Sun May 6 23:56:35 EDT 2007
Hi Dan,
Thank you for your interesting report. I'm sorry that I did not figure
some of those things out myself.
I guess I'd thought that the primary use of Set would be to replace
lists for applications where order doesn't matter, or maybe where an
efficient 'union' is needed; but many of these (e.g. parsing) commonly
use a monadic interface, so it seems strange for Set not to have one.
But I can't suggest a solution better than the ones you have proposed.
On Sun, May 06, 2007 at 04:00:09PM -0400, Dan Doel wrote:
> On Sunday 06 May 2007, Frederik Eaton wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Anyone know why Data.Set is not a Monad? Or Data.Map?
> >
> > It seems Data.Map is a Functor, but not Data.Set...
> >
> > I am confused. Am I not importing the right modules? Thanks,
> These questions all have slightly different answers, I think. Somewhat out of
> order:
> 1) Data.Map isn't a monad because it isn't one. Consider:
> return :: a -> Map k a
> What key will return choose to inject a value into a map? The only option that
> leaps to mind is:
> return a = singleton undefined a
> But that's hardly useful.
> 2) Data.Set is a monad, but you can't convince Haskell's type system of that
> the way things are currently structured. This is because set operations
> require elements to be instances of the Ord typeclass, and the Monad
> typeclass signature doesn't allow for that. In the current typeclass, you
> have:
> return :: a -> m a
> While Set requires:
> return :: Ord a => a -> m a -- return = singleton
> It is possible to structure things so that Set can be given a Monad instance,
> but it may require some extensions. Here's one such way. Consider the
> following typeclass:
> class Monad m a where
> return :: a -> m a
> (>>=) :: (Monad m b) => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
> Here, 'm' is the monad type constructor, and 'a' will be the types it works
> on. An instance is needed for each such allowable a. In Set's case, with
> undecidable instances, this is easy:
> instance (Ord a) => Monad' Set a where
> return a = singleton a
> ...
> The (Ord a) context is provided for return. However, bind is still a problem,
> because the obvious definition:
> m >>= f = fold (union . f) empty m
> :: (Ord b) => Set a -> (a -> Set b) -> Set b
> Has an (Ord b) context that we can't provide. One way (not the only one, I'm
> sure) to solve this is to rebuild Set as a GADT, so that the (Ord b) context
> is packaged with the set. This can be simulated by wrapping the existing set
> (suppose the current set is imported qualified):
> data Set a where
> Empty :: Set a
> Wrap :: Ord a => Set a -> Set a
> singleton :: Ord a => a -> Set a
> singleton a = Wrap (Set.singleton a)
> union :: Set a -> Set a -> Set a
> union Empty t = t
> union s Empty = s
> union (Wrap s) (Wrap t) = Wrap (Set.union s t)
> fold :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Set a -> b
> fold _ z Empty = z
> fold f z (Wrap s) = Set.fold f z s
> Now, since the GADT union doesn't require an Ord context, we can write:
> instance Ord a => Monad Set a where
> return a = singleton a -- The same as before
> s >>= f = fold (union . f) Empty s
> So, we're finally at a 'valid' Monad instance for Set, and it only took us
> multi-parameter type classes, undecidable instances, and GADTs. :) Existing
> monads can be declared members of the revised class like so:
> instance Monad [] a where
> return a = [a]
> l >>= f = foldr ((++) . f) [] l
> Simply not restricting the parameter 'a' leaves you with the case we currently
> have.
> Other approaches have been suggested, I think, but this is one. I'm not sure
> it's an advisable road to take, as it's rather complicated, but it's an
> option.
> 3) As for Functors, it's easy to define an fmap operation for Map k v. You
> take your function of type (v -> u) and apply it to each element, storing the
> result at the same key. However, consider the type of the obvious fmap
> implementation for Set a:
> fmap f s = fold (insert . f) empty s :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> Set a -> Set b
> This requires an (Ord b) context that is absent from the Functor method's
> signature, just as we ran into problems with the signatures in the current
> Monad class. In fact, Set's 'map' function requires Ord contexts for a and b
> both.
> The problem here is that you can't use the same tricks as above to provide the
> (Ord b) context for fmap via a GADT (insert still requires a provided
> context). I suppose you could, of course, take *both* a and b as parameters
> to the class, so that you could place constraints on both. The same thing
> would work for Monad above, off the top of my head, and you could avoid the
> GADT. However, I suspect if you start down a road of taking a parameter for
> each distinct type variable in your method signatures, and having to declare
> (whether explicitly or implicitly) n^m instances for a class, rather than 1,
> things are going to get hairy.
> Data.Set does provide a 'mapMonotonic' function of type:
> (a -> b) -> Set a -> Set b
> which is the right type, but it appears to assume that the function respects
> the ordering, such that:
> a1 `compare` a2 == f a1 `compare` f a2
> or something like that. You could, therefore, pass in a function that doesn't
> follow that, and up with a Set that isn't a set. Thus, it's unsuitable for
> use as fmap.
> Anyhow, I hope that made some sense at least, and answered some of your
> questions. I'll attach a file that has a slightly more fleshed out
> implementation of the GADT set wrapper, along with a monad instance, in case
> you want to play with it. Some things are renamed a bit compared to the
> above, since, for example, there already is a Monad typeclass.
> Cheers.
> -- Dan
> {-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}
> module GADTSet where
> import qualified Data.Set as Set
> data Set v where
> Empty :: Set v
> Wrap :: Ord v => Set.Set v -> Set v
> instance Show v => Show (Set v) where
> show Empty = "Empty"
> show (Wrap s) = show s
> empty :: Set v
> empty = Empty
> singleton :: Ord v => v -> Set v
> singleton v = Wrap $ Set.singleton v
> insert :: Ord v => v -> Set v -> Set v
> insert v Empty = Wrap $ Set.singleton v
> insert v (Wrap s) = Wrap $ Set.insert v s
> union :: Set v -> Set v -> Set v
> union Empty t = t
> union s Empty = s
> union (Wrap s) (Wrap t) = Wrap $ Set.union s t
> member :: v -> Set v -> Bool
> member _ Empty = False
> member v (Wrap s) = Set.member v s
> fromList :: Ord v => [v] -> Set v
> fromList l = Wrap $ Set.fromList l
> fold :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Set a -> b
> fold _ z Empty = z
> fold f z (Wrap s) = Set.fold f z s
> class ExtMonad m a where
> ret :: a -> m a
> (>>>=) :: ExtMonad m b => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
> instance Ord v => ExtMonad Set v where
> ret = singleton
> s >>>= f = fold (union . f) Empty s
> instance ExtMonad [] a where
> ret a = [a]
> l >>>= f = foldr ((++) . f) [] l
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