Proposal #1464: add dropPrefix to Data.List
Conor McBride
ctm at
Wed Jun 27 04:35:50 EDT 2007
Hi Ian
I think I have this thing lying around as well:
On 27 Jun 2007, at 02:26, Ian Lynagh wrote:
> dropPrefix :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
> dropPrefix [] ys = Just ys
> dropPrefix (x:xs) (y:ys)
> | x == y = dropPrefix xs ys
> dropPrefix _ _ = Nothing
But while I was grepping for it, I found I had written something
slightly different. Recalling that Monoid w makes Applicative ((,) w),
I have
leftFactor :: Eq x => [x] -> [x] -> ([x], ([x], [x]))
leftFactor (x : xs) (y : ys) | x == y = ([x], ()) *> leftFactor
xs ys
leftFactor xs ys = pure (xs, ys)
if leftFactor xs ys = (zs, (xs', ys'))
then zs is the longest list such that
xs == zs ++ xs'
ys == zs ++ ys'
You get dropPrefix cheaply
dropPrefix :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
dropPrefix xs ys
| (_, ([], zs)) <- leftFactor xs ys = Just zs
| otherwise = Nothing
but I also use it to do "common ancestor" calculations on hierarchical
namespaces. Indeed, I have in the past used this thing on paths/contexts
to determine whether two subterms of a given term were nested or not.
A more frivolous usage is this variation on an ancient program:
gcdList :: Eq x => [x] -> [x] -> Maybe [x]
gcdList xs ys = case leftFactor xs ys of
(_, ([], [])) -> Just xs
(_, ([], zs)) -> gcdList xs zs
(_, (zs, [])) -> gcdList zs ys
_ -> Nothing
gcdList xs ys calculates the largest zs such that
xs == [1..m] >> zs and ys == [1..n] >> zs
if any such exists.
I was wondering what solutions there might be to
xs ++ ys == ys ++ xs
when out it popped! But I digress.
It could well be that dropPrefix is much the more common, and hence that
extra fuss required to get it from leftFactor isn't worth it, but I
thought I'd punt out the possibility.
As for whether these things should return in Maybe, or some arbitrary
MonadPlus m, well, that seems like one instance of a wider question. We
surely need a consistent policy here: do we target the specific
notion of computation supporting whatever it is (in this case, failure),
or attempt to abstract an *arbitrary* such. If the latter, one
should, of
course, ask if Monad is too specific...
Now I come to think about it, I quite like the minimal approach. It
the individual operations as simple as possible, and it pulls out the
Maybe -> whatever homomorphism as a largest left factor. Or something.
All the best
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