Adding IdentityT to mtl
Donald Bruce Stewart
dons at
Fri Jun 1 01:35:14 EDT 2007
I wanted an IdentityT today, for extending xmonad. (The idea is to
allower user-defined monad transformers, so users can plug in their own
semantics easily).
By default it would use IdentityT, which I note is not in mtl!
Here's roughly what it would be:
-- |
-- Module : Identity.hs
-- License : BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
module IdentityT where
import Control.Monad.Trans
-- IdentityT , a parameterisable identity monad, with an inner monad
-- The user's default monad transformer
newtype IdentityT m a = IdentityT { runIdentityT :: m a }
instance (Functor m, Monad m) => Functor (IdentityT m) where
fmap f = IdentityT . fmap f . runIdentityT
instance (Monad m) => Monad (IdentityT m) where
return = IdentityT . return
m >>= k = IdentityT $ runIdentityT . k =<< runIdentityT m
fail msg = IdentityT $ fail msg
instance (MonadIO m) => MonadIO (IdentityT m) where
liftIO = IdentityT . liftIO
Any reasons why this shouldn't be in mtl?
-- Don
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