Control.Concurrent.Chan: how do i close a channel?

haskell at haskell at
Wed Jul 18 04:07:30 EDT 2007

Aaron Denney wrote:
> On 2007-07-17, David Menendez <zednenem at> wrote:
>> On 7/16/07, Claus Reinke <claus.reinke at> wrote:
>>>> I often use Chan (Maybe a), with Nothing to tell the reader thread that
>>>> EOF is reached -- perhaps something like that is what you're looking
>>>> for?
>>> yes. but that would add another slight indirection, and it still doesn't
>>> make getChanContents itself any more useable. if you "often" have to
>>> modify/expand the API when you use it, perhaps there is something
>>> missing in that API? the "much like hGetContents" comment does
>>> seem to suggest that as well.
>> If STM is available, you could use a TChan for content and a TVar for
>> signalling.
> That seems excessive.  STM has nice composable properties but if you're
> not composing it with other STM usages, there's not much reason to
> buy those properties.
>> getClosableChanContents :: Chan (Maybe a) -> IO [a]
>> getClosableChanContents ch = unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
>>       x <- readChan ch
>>       case x of Nothing -> return []
>>                 Just y  -> do ys <- getClosableChanContents ch
>>                               return (y : ys)
> Untested of course.  With the corresponding
>> writeList2CChan :: Chan (Maybe a) -> [a] -> IO ()
>> writeList2CChan ch ls = do sequence_ (map (writeChan ch) . (Just)) ls)
>>                            writeChan ch Nothing
> Am I missing something that makes this "not lazy enough"?

The above costs the construction of the Maybe data for each item going through 
the channel.

Using an MVar instead of a TVar costs taking the MVar on each read.

Using STM is optimistic, it performs the read on the channel and then a check 
that nothing was committed in the mean time (unlikely given the short atomic block).

Benchmarking the three idioms would be a useful service, but I don't have time.


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