Proposal: Data.Stream

Chris Smith cdsmith at
Fri Jul 13 11:46:04 EDT 2007

> igloo:
>> I'm not sure what you mean by "the standard libraries". It wouldn't
>> be needed to build GHC, so it wouldn't be a GHC "core lib".
>> Other than that, if it's in hackage then it's as standard as any
>> other library!

There does seem to be another level of "standard-ness" than this. 
Specifically, it would involve the library being distributed with GHC 
distributions and included in the documentation at  The base split is 
great, but I hope that it doesn't mean the standard libraries (in this 
sense) are being phased out, or that libraries or documentation will be made 
harder for Haskell newcomers to find and use.

Chris Smith

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