Proposal: Data.Stream

Wouter Swierstra wss at Cs.Nott.AC.UK
Fri Jul 13 10:20:53 EDT 2007

> In general, I don't think there is a "standard" definition of a  
> stream datatype. IIUC, you see streams as necessarily infinite but  
> there are other perfectly valid interpretations. Stream is simply a  
> very broad term which means too many different things. In  
> particular, I don't see why our Stream data type doesn't model  
> streams.

I have to admit that, in general, "stream" can mean a lot of  
different things. A quick google gives all kinds of results, from  
streaming media to bandwidth benchmarks. However, there is quite a  
lot of research, closely related to functional programming, with a  
clear consensus of what a stream is:

\nu X . A * X (or equivalently, functions from Nat -> A)

Personally, I think this gives a very clear definition of what a  
stream is that leaves nothing open to interpretation. Of course  
people are free to call their data types whatever they like, but in  
this instance it may be advisable to at least be aware of any related  

Of course, your streams (what I would call colists) can be used to  
model this type. There are very compelling reasons not to do this:  
streams are a comonad, colists are not; streams and colists have are  
really different instances of Monad (just look at the definition of  
return for both cases); colists are a monoid, streams are not; I'm  
sure Conor can come up with plenty of other reasons.

The important thing is, although you can model streams using colists  
(I'm using my terminology here), it may not be desirable to do so. It  
can sometimes pay to be as precise as possible about your types.

> I have to admit that I don't really understand the distinction  
> between Haskell's lists and colists (or, in general, datatypes in  
> Haskell and codatatypes). To me, lists are inductive and colists  
> are coinductive, i.e., the former are the least and the latter the  
> greatest fixed point of the underlying functor. Thus, Haskell's  
> list datatype actually models colists (and algebraic datatypes in  
> Haskell are coinductive by default). This thread seems to  
> implicitly assume a different interpretation of the prefix "co" but  
> I don't really understand what this interpretation is.

That's exactly the way I think about this as well.

In the context of Haskell, the distinction is not so clear. When you  
write "data" as a programmer, you sometimes really mean codata (as in  
my Stream type). On the other hand, there are occassions  where you  
have an (implicit) invariant in your head stating you will never  
construct infinite terms, and hence it's safe to assume that a fold  
will terminate, for instance. Then you really mean data - and not  
codata. Haskell does not support this separation: both data and  
codata are introduced by the same language construct. It's a real  
pity sometimes; if we really care about the types of our programs, I  
think this is a distinction worth making.

All the best,


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