Hackage interface

Stefan O'Rear stefanor at cox.net
Thu Jan 4 19:50:21 EST 2007

On Fri, Jan 05, 2007 at 11:43:24AM +1100, Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:
> ross:
> > At some point we need to agree a list of category names (or to just
> > use the top level of the module hierarchy instead).
> Regarding this, we'll make things (a little) easier by reusing
> (roughly) the categories from existing package systems. Some kind of
> intersectoin between say, openbsd and debian and gentoo. Here's the
> openbsd package categories:
> Merge this with say debians categories, and add our own.

Debian *has* categories (called sections), but is trying to get rid of
them.  They are currently working on (it's in unstable and mostly working)
a replacement system, debtags.  debtags differs from the section system
in that packages can have multiple tags, and queries can include conjunctions
and disjunctions; IME this makes it much more useful (speaking as an unstable-
tracker).  Perhaps we should look into copying debtags's ideas?  (we need to
support some kind of tagging, for the sake of package generation)

The main debtags site: http://debtags.alioth.debian.org/

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