Add 'subsequences' and 'permutations' to Data.List
(ticket #1990)
Twan van Laarhoven
twanvl at
Tue Dec 18 21:25:09 EST 2007
David Benbennick wrote:
> On Dec 18, 2007 12:56 PM, Bertram Felgenhauer
> <bertram.felgenhauer at> wrote:
>>finally, we could make it slightly more lazy
> Good point, your version is much better.
> The same issue applies to permutations. I haven't had time to write
> out the code yet, but I can imagine a version of permutations that
> does: ...
Using mutual recursion between a version including the identity and one
not including it, you can get:
permutations1 :: [a] -> [[a]]
permutations1 xxs = xxs : permutations3b xxs
permutations1' [] = []
permutations1' (x:xs) = tail $ concatMap interleave
$ permutations1 xs
where interleave [] = [[x]]
interleave (y:ys) = (x:y:ys) : map (y:) (interleave ys)
> map (take 5) $ take 5 $ permutations1 [1..]
Again this has a call to tail. We have that
tail $ concatMap interleave $ permutations1 xs
= tail $ concatMap interleave $ (xs : permutations1 xs)
= tail (interleave xs ++ concatMap interleave (permutations1 xs))
= tail (interleave xs) ++ concatMap interleave (permutations1 xs)
So making a special case for "tail . interleave":
permutations2 :: [a] -> [[a]]
permutations2 xxs = xxs : permutations2' xxs
permutations2' [] = []
permutations2' (x:xs) = interleave' xs
++ concatMap interleave (permutations2' xs)
where interleave ys = (x:ys) : interleave' ys
interleave' [] = []
interleave' (y:ys) = map (y:) (interleave ys)
The next step would be to eliminate the (++) calls in interleave. This
is not so easy, because of the last line, "map (y:) (interleave ys)". We
can't use the ShowS trick here directly. The way out is of course to get
rid of the map
permutations3 :: [a] -> [[a]]
permutations3 xxs = xxs : permutations3' xxs
permutations3' [] = []
permutations3' (x:xs) = interleave' id xs $ foldr
(interleave id) [] (permutations3' xs)
where interleave f ys r = f (x:ys) : interleave' f ys r
interleave' f [] r = r
interleave' f (y:ys) r = interleave (f . (y:)) ys r
And this is indeed a lot faster (ghc 6.8.1 -O2):
time $ print $ sum $ map sum $ permutations $ [1..10]
permutations2: 3.875000 sec
permutations3: 1.625000 sec
Unfortunatly, the clarity of the algorithm has not improved.
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