What about tuple accessor function for (,,) ... ?

Neil Mitchell ndmitchell at gmail.com
Wed Apr 25 10:18:22 EDT 2007

Hi Marc,

> What about
> fstOf3  ( \(x,_,_) -> x )
> sndOf3  ( \(_,x,_) -> x )
> thrdOf3 ( \(_,_,x) -> x )

I have defined "fst3", "snd3", "thd3". I would strongly support adding
them to the standard libraries, in Data.Tuple.

> class Second a b | a -> b where
>   t2 :: a -> b
>   instance Second (a,b) b where t2 (a,b) = b
>   instance Second (a,b,c) b where t2 (a,b,c) = b
>   instance Second (a,b,c,d) b where t2 (a,b,c,d) = b
>   instance Second (a,b,c,d,e) b where t2 (a,b,c,d,e) = b

I do not think we should encourage this, if people want to do these
kind of tuple tricks, the solution is one of:

1) make tuples inductive (a,(b,c)), then thd = snd . snd

2) use HList (i think this would give you want you need)

3) use records

The Yhc compiler uses 8 element tuples in some places - its not a good
solution ever.

I suspect the use of the 2 element tuple is really common, the 3
element tuple sees a few outings, and the 4 and above element tuple is
a bit of a rarity.

Following the proposal tradition, there about about 100 hits for each
of fst3 etc on Google Code Search. They occur in HaXml, Cabal, Gofer,
Hat, Chameleon, Hoogle, nhc, Yhc etc.



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