darcs patch: Adding isLeft, isRight, fromLeft, fromRight, splitEithers

Russell O'Connor roconnor at theorem.ca
Mon Oct 30 08:35:45 EST 2006

Mon Oct 30 14:28:19 CET 2006  Russell O'Connor <roconnor at theorem.ca>
  * Adding isLeft, isRight, fromLeft, fromRight, splitEithers
  This patch resolves http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/974
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Content preview:  Mon Oct 30 14:28:19 CET 2006 Russell O'Connor
  <roconnor at theorem.ca> * Adding isLeft, isRight, fromLeft, fromRight,
  splitEithers This patch resolves
  http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/974 New patches: [...] 

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