[GHC] #971: Add intercalate and split to Data.List

Jón Fairbairn jon.fairbairn at cl.cam.ac.uk
Mon Oct 30 13:25:43 EST 2006

"Josef Svenningsson" <josef.svenningsson at gmail.com> writes:

> On 10/30/06, Christian Maeder <maeder at tzi.de> wrote:
> > I also agree to add a split function. The problem was to agree which
> > variant should be called split (wrt. to treatment of multiple and final
> > separators as well as to "Eq" context or predicate argument).
> >
> > http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.libraries/4862
> > http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.libraries/4869
> >
> Right. I had totally forgotten about that discussion. Was there any
> consensus about the names?

I'm not sure there was yet consensus about the functions --
it seems I tried to have the bikeshed demolished, rebuilt
as a pagoda and painted red:


while there's some merit in ending discussion and deciding
on /something/, I reckon it's worth trying to think about
laws and such for a while yet. 

It strikes me that the discussion suggests that there are
several distinct design cases: does a separator at the
end/do two consecutive separators result in empty elements?
Do the separators form part of the output?

To sloganise for a moment, libraries should provide
components, not finished products.  So what we should aim
for is a collection of functions that facilitate the
construction of all the design cases.

One of the components /might/ be:

> spanMb p [] = Nothing
> spanMb p l = Just $ span p l

As to nomenclature, since we already have span, I'd suggest
spans p l should return a list of all the contiguous
segments of l with members satisfying p (and discard the

Here's a definition:

> spans p = unfoldr (fmap (id >< dropWhile (not . p)) . spanMb p)
> (f >< g) (a,b) = (f a, g b)

We can write “groupBy (\a b -> p a && p b)” for another of
the design cases, though I think some discussion of groupBy
belongs in here: why does it require an equivalence
relation? Shouldn't we at least have a version that works
for any binary predicate?

Here's an off the top of my head ugly version:

> runsBy = unfoldr . splitRun

>          where splitRun p [] = Nothing
>                splitRun p [x] = Just ([x],[])
>                splitRun p (a:rest@(b:_)) 
>                     | p a b = fmap ((a:) >< id) (splitRun p rest)
>                     | otherwise = Just ([a], rest)

(maybe splitRun is generally useful?)

Jón Fairbairn                                 Jon.Fairbairn at cl.cam.ac.uk

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