Proposal: Adding on
Bulat Ziganshin
bulat.ziganshin at
Fri Nov 3 11:58:28 EST 2006
Hello Duncan,
Friday, November 3, 2006, 4:42:27 PM, you wrote:
> groupBy ((==) `on` fst)
> vs groupBy (equating fst)
groupOn fst
sortOn snd
-- |Sort list by function result (use Schwarznegian transform)
sortOn f = map snd . sortOn' fst . map (keyval f)
-- |Sort list by function result (don't use Schwarznegian transform!)
sortOn' f = sortBy (map2cmp f)
-- |Group list by function result
groupOn f = groupBy (map2eq f)
-- |Sort and Group list by function result
sort_and_groupOn f = groupOn f . sortOn f
sort_and_groupOn' f = groupOn f . sortOn' f
-- |Check that all adjacent values in the list meets given criteria
isAll f [] = True
isAll f [x] = True
isAll f (x:y:ys) = f x y && isAll f (y:ys)
-- |Check that list is sorted by given field/critery
isSortedOn f = isAll (<=) . map f
-- |Check that all elements in list are equal by given field/critery
isEqOn f = isAll (==) . map f
-- Utility functions for list operations
keyval f x = (f x, x) -- |Return pair containing computed key and original value
map2cmp f x y = (f x) `compare` (f y) -- |Converts "key_func" to "compare_func"
map2eq f x y = (f x) == (f y) -- |Converts "key_func" to "eq_func"
while we are here, i also propose to export from Data.List 'merge'
function that is useful on its own
Best regards,
Bulat mailto:Bulat.Ziganshin at
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