UTF8 (was Re: Hexdump)

Simon Marlow simonmarhaskell at gmail.com
Tue Mar 21 12:02:41 EST 2006

Malcolm Wallace wrote:
> Oops, I wrote:
> fromUTF8 (w:ws)
>     | w <  0x80  {- 0xxxxxxx -} = toEnum (fromEnum w) : fromUTF8 ws
>     | w >= 0xc0  {- 1111110x -} = bytes 5 (fromEnum (w`mask`0x01)) ws
>     | w >= 0xe0  {- 111110xx -} = bytes 4 (fromEnum (w`mask`0x03)) ws
>     | w >= 0xf0  {- 11110xxx -} = bytes 3 (fromEnum (w`mask`0x07)) ws
>     | w >= 0xf8  {- 1110xxxx -} = bytes 2 (fromEnum (w`mask`0x0f)) ws
>     | w >= 0xfc  {- 110xxxxx -} = bytes 1 (fromEnum (w`mask`0x1f)) ws
> which should of course have been
> fromUTF8 (w:ws)
>     | w <  0x80  {- 0xxxxxxx -} = toEnum (fromEnum w) : fromUTF8 ws
>     | w >= 0xfc  {- 1111110x -} = bytes 5 (fromEnum (w`mask`0x01)) ws
>     | w >= 0xf8  {- 111110xx -} = bytes 4 (fromEnum (w`mask`0x03)) ws
>     | w >= 0xf0  {- 11110xxx -} = bytes 3 (fromEnum (w`mask`0x07)) ws
>     | w >= 0xe0  {- 1110xxxx -} = bytes 2 (fromEnum (w`mask`0x0f)) ws
>     | w >= 0xc0  {- 110xxxxx -} = bytes 1 (fromEnum (w`mask`0x1f)) ws

Getting a UTF-8 decoder right is quite non-trivial.  Take a look at this:


I made a half-hearted attempt to get most of this right in GHC's UTF-8 
decoder, but by no means all of it is implemented.  I do think it would 
be nice if the Haskell implementation was correct, for some value of 
correct, though.


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