RFC: Time Library 0.3
Ashley Yakeley
ashley at semantic.org
Sun Mar 5 20:04:06 EST 2006
In article <20060206124958.GE4514 at soi.city.ac.uk>,
Ross Paterson <ross at soi.city.ac.uk> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 06, 2006 at 12:00:44AM -0800, Ashley Yakeley wrote:
> > Please take a look at my third draft of a replacement for the standard
> > time library.
> > http://semantic.org/TimeLib/
> It looks very clean.
Thank you. This was a design goal.
> One oddity I noted was that the Gregorian counterparts of the functions
> in Data.Time.Calendar.Julian are split between Data.Time.Calendar
> and Data.Time.Calendar.OrdinalDate, the latter having different names.
> Data.Time.Calendar.Gregorian? Then someone will want you to take Julian
> and Gregorian out of the function names, I suppose.
Julian calendar functions are likely to be rarely used, so I put that in
a second-level module as part of my scheme to keep the common stuff in
Data.Time.* and the less common stuff in Data.Time.*.*.
> You might want to
> throw in Julian versions of the startWeek functions for completeness.
I may do this. I may also promote isLeapYear from .Calendar.OrdinalDate
to .Calendar if it doesn't screw up the dependencies too much
(.Calendar.Gregorian exists but is hidden: it depends on
.Calendar.OrdinalDate). I suppose I could have isLeapYear in both.
> There's also the question of replacing some tuples by records.
OK, currently we have this:
toGregorian :: Day -> (Integer, Int, Int)
fromGregorian :: Integer -> Int -> Int -> Day
-- clips to ranges
In version 0.1 I had a record type instead:
data GregorianDay = MkGregorianDay {
gregorianYear :: Integer,
gregorianMonth :: Int,
gregorianDay :: Day
This is a completely new type that is almost, but not quite, isomorphic
to Day. As such, I made it an instance of most of the same classes as
Day. It isn't quite isomorphic, however, since it allows invalid days,
and these needed to be dealt with in all the code that used it.
And it doesn't actually gain us anything. The useful parts of
GregorianDay are the constructor and the access functions, not the type
itself, and it's easier to do that with functions on Day.
I had a class for types such as GregorianDay that were isomorphic to
Day. It just confused people.
> Might the Clock and LocalTime modules belong under System?
Not the whole modules, no, I'd rather keep the pure calculation under
Data. There might be a case for putting the FFI-using functions under
System (getCurrentTime, getPOSIXTime, getTimeZone, getCurrentTimeZone,
getZonedTime, utcToLocalZonedTime) since they all call system functions,
but we'd have to pick a module name. I'll only do it if a lot of people
think it's a good idea, otherwise I'm happy with keeping everything
under Data.Time.
Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA
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