[Haskell] System.FilePath survey

Krasimir Angelov kr.angelov at gmail.com
Fri Feb 3 07:41:53 EST 2006

2006/2/3, Johannes Waldmann <waldmann at imn.htwk-leipzig.de>:
> what? boring to write the conversions? I imagine the only two occasions
> where a file path has to be converted from String to ADT:
> when you read some fixed file (e. g. config file)
> ( that amounts to one line line  conf :: File = mkFile ".conf" )
> or when the user input a file name on command line or textfield.
> This would be only a few lines, no matter how large the program.
> (If you read user input from GUI, then you'd probably have some File
> selector widget that should of course return an ADT object.)

It makes sense if the IO library was designed to accept ADT instead of
String. I don't understand German but it seems like your library do
that. It is more about file IO rather than file path manipulations.


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