Higher level interface to System.Process

Donald Bruce Stewart dons at cse.unsw.edu.au
Sat Dec 16 03:03:18 EST 2006

> on my computer your code (with >> return ()-s inserted) works with at
> most 135168=132*1024 bytes of input:
> One more byte, and cat blocks on writing to its pipe.  No wonder,
> nobody reads the other end, as our hPutStr to cat also blocks, as a
> direct consequence.  Moving the case beyond the forkIO-s resolves
> this.  Btw, why don't you close the other handles?  Btw2 runCommand in
> http://happs.org/HAppS/src/HAppS/Util/Common.hs takes a similar
> approach with MVar-s; I wonder if they are really needed.

Ok, I really want to push forwards the effort to add a nice popen to
base.  Here's my first effort at a minimal clean interface, that we
might be proud to demonstrate in a tutorial ;)

    import System.Process.Run

    main = do
        edate <- readProcess "date" ["+%y-%m-%d"] []
        case edate of
            Left err   -> print err
            Right date -> putStr date

The code for readProcess is in darcs, here:

    darcs get http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~dons/code/newpopen

I'd like some comments on this approach. Suggestions on where to
generalise this, and yet keep it clean and simple, and so on.


The module itself is attached:

    -- |
    -- Module      :  System.Process.Run
    -- Copyright   :  (c) Don Stewart 2006
    -- License     :  BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
    -- Maintainer  :  dons at cse.unsw.edu.au
    -- Stability   :  experimental
    -- Portability :  currently non-portable (Control.Concurrent)
    -- Convenient interface to external processes 

    module System.Process.Run (

            -- * Running processes

        ) where

    import System.Process
    import System.Exit
    import System.IO

    import Control.Monad
    import Control.Concurrent
    import qualified Control.Exception as C

    -- | readProcess forks an external process, reads its standard output,
    -- waits for the process to terminate, and returns either the output
    -- string, or an exitcode.
    readProcess :: FilePath                     -- ^ command to run
                -> [String]                     -- ^ any arguments
                -> String                       -- ^ standard input
                -> IO (Either ExitCode String)  -- ^ either the stdout, or an exitcode

    readProcess cmd args input = C.handle (return . handler) $ do

        (inh,outh,errh,pid) <- runInteractiveProcess cmd args Nothing Nothing

        -- fork off a thread to start consuming the output
        output  <- hGetContents outh
        outMVar <- newEmptyMVar
        forkIO $ C.evaluate (length output) >> putMVar outMVar ()

        -- now write and flush any input
        when (not (null input)) $ hPutStr inh input
        hClose inh          -- done with stdin
        hClose errh         -- ignore stderr

        -- wait on the output
        takeMVar outMVar
        hClose outh

        -- wait on the process
        ex <- C.catch (waitForProcess pid) (\_ -> return ExitSuccess)

        return $ case ex of
            ExitSuccess   -> Right output
            ExitFailure _ -> Left ex

        handler (C.ExitException e) = Left e
        handler e                   = Left (ExitFailure 1)

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