Streams internal structure
Simon Marlow
simonmarhaskell at
Fri Apr 21 06:20:26 EDT 2006
Hi Bulat,
Bulat Ziganshin wrote:
> well, your last answer shows that you don't understand my problems.
> i'm entirely want to have precise classes, but when i run into
> IMPLEMENTATION, Haskell restrictions bite me again and again.
Ok, I think you need to describe these problems in more detail. The
message you just wrote describes the structure of the library which I
think is mostly fine, and corresponds fairly well with what I had in mind.
Could you provide a .zip or .tar.gz instead?
> currently, Stream lib includes class Streams, what includes
> "unclassified", minor operations, such as vIsEOF or vShow, and classes
> BlockStream, MemoryStream, ByteStream, TextStream
> class BlockStream supports reading and writing of memory blocks:
> class (Stream m h) => BlockStream m h | h->m where
> vGetBuf :: h -> Ptr a -> Int -> m Int
> vPutBuf :: h -> Ptr a -> Int -> m ()
fine, that's closely equivalent to my InputStream/OutputStream.
> it's a natural class for low-level, "raw" streams such as FD or
> network sockets:
> instance BlockStream IO FD where
> vGetBuf = fdGetBuf
> vPutBuf = fdPutBuf
> vGetBuf, as you suggested, should implement non-blocking reads, while
> the vPutBuf should write the whole buffer.
vPutBuf should be non-blocking too.
> MemoryStream class supports low-level, "raw" streams whose data are
> ALREADY RESIDE IN MEMORY. examples are MemBuf, MemoryMappedFile,
> circular buffer for inter-thread communication what i plan to
> implement. the main difference against BlockStream is what data are
> not read in user-supplied buffer, but already somewhere in memory, and
> MemoryStream functions just give to user address and size of next part
> of data (for reading) or next place to fill up (for writing). so:
> class (Stream m h) => MemoryStream m h | h->m where
> -- | Receive next buffer which contains data / should be filled with data
> vReceiveBuf :: h -> ReadWrite -> m (Ptr a, Int)
> -- | Release buffer after reading `len` bytes / Send buffer filled with `len` bytes
> vSendBuf :: h -> Ptr a -> Int -> Int -> m ()
which is equivalent to my MemInputStream/MemOutputStream. I believe the
with-style interface that I use is better though.
> data ReadWrite = READING | WRITING | UNKNOWN deriving (Eq, Show)
> this scheme will allow to create MemBuf not as one huge buffer, as in
> current implementation and all other Binary/... libraries, but as list
> of buffers of some fixed size. the same applies to MemoryMappedFile -
> this scheme allows to map just fixed-size buffer each time instead of
> mapping the whole file
> next level is the ByteStream class, what is just the way to quickly
> read/write one byte at time:
> class (Stream m h) => ByteStream m h | h->m where
> vGetByte :: h -> m Word8
> vPutByte :: h -> Word8 -> m ()
> each buffering transformer implements ByteStream via BlockStream or
> MemoryStream:
I didn't have an equivalent to this class in my design. Why is it
necessary? vGetByte/vPutByte can be implemented for an arbitrary
BlockStream or indeed a MemoryStream.
> instance (BlockStream IO h) => ByteStream IO (BufferedBlockStream h)
BufferedBlockStream == my BufferedInputStream/BufferedOutputStream
> instance (MemoryStream IO h) => ByteStream IO (BufferedMemoryStream h)
what's a BufferedMemoryStream for? Isn't a memory stream already
buffered by definition?
> instance (MemoryStream IO h) => ByteStream IO (UncheckedBufferedMemoryStream h)
> These data type constructors (BufferedBlockStream...) joins raw stream
> with buffer, r/w pointer and other data required to implement
> buffering:
> data BufferedBlockStream h = BBuf h -- raw stream
> (IOURef BytePtr) -- buffer
> (IOURef BytePtr) -- buffer end
> (IOURef BytePtr) -- r/w pointer
> ....
> type BytePtr = Ptr Word8
> Next level is class TextStream that implements text I/O operations:
> class (Stream m h) => TextStream m h | h->m where
> vGetChar :: h -> m Char
> vGetLine :: h -> m String
> vGetContents :: h -> m String
> vPutChar :: h -> Char -> m ()
> vPutStr :: h -> String -> m ()
Ok, I wouldn't put all those method in the class, I think. Also it is
necessary to have buffering at the TextStream level, as Marcin pointed
out. I haven't thought through the design carefully here.
> Encoding transformer attaches encoding to the ByteStream that allows
> to implement text I/O:
> instance (ByteStream m h) => TextStream m (WithEncoding m h)
> data WithEncoding m h = WithEncoding h (CharEncoding m)
> where type "CharEncoding m" provides vGetByte->vGetChar and vPutByte->vPutChar
> transformers operating in monad m
> all these can be named a canonical Streams hierarchy and it already
> works.
So what are the problems you were referring to? eg. this from your
previous message:
> 2) separation of Stream classes make some automatic definitions
> impossible. for example, released version contains vGetBuf
> implementation that is defined via vGetChar and works ok for streams
> that provide only vGetChar as base function.
> i will be glad to add BufferedStream and SeekableStream classes
> and split BlockStream..TextStream to the reading and writing ones, but
> this is, as i said, limited by implementation issues
which implementation issues?
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