good fusion
Jan-Willem Maessen
jmaessen at
Wed Apr 12 09:16:11 EDT 2006
On Apr 11, 2006, at 2:37 PM, Udo Stenzel wrote:
> Malcolm Wallace wrote:
>> Well, the core of my idea is that instead of two stages, foldr/
>> build or
>> destroy/unfoldr, there are really three: foldr/build/genUnfoldr.
> As Josef already realized, foldr can be expressed in terms of destroy:
> *> foldr c n xs = destroy foldrDU xs
> *> where foldrDU g y = case g y of
> *> Nothing -> n
> *> Just (x,y') -> c x (foldrDU g y')
> The converse does not seem to be true, destroy is strictly more
> expressive than foldr.
This is an intriguing question, and a way to get hackers like me
interested... Proving equivalence would simply be a matter of
finding a definition (which would have to use a whole lot of higher-
order magic). Now I'm going to have to go back and convince myself
it won't work all over again.
> Similarly any unfoldr can be expressed as a
> build:
> *> unfoldr g y = build (unfoldrFB y)
> *> where unfoldrFB Nothing c n = n
> *> unfoldrFB (Just (x,y')) c n = c x (unfoldrFB y' c n)
> Using these definitions we get a foldr/unfoldr rule for free.
In fact, the pH compiler (back in 1994) had a deforestation pass
based on a version of foldr/unfoldr deforestation, with none of this
build or destroy nonsense. This is enough to express quite a few
"good producers" and all the "good consumers" in the GHC sense. And
we can indeed obtain a zipWith / unfoldr fusion rule, or rather
several with an obvious order of application (I'm reconstructing this
on the fly from recollections of a subtly different form; it'll be
broadly correct but I'll probably mess up a detail along the way).
1) zip (unfoldr f z) (unfoldr g y) = unfoldr (hoist f g) (z,y)
where hoist f g (z,y) = f z >>= \u -> g y >>= \v -> (u,v) --
in the Maybe monad
2) foldr g y (zip (unfoldr f z) xs) = foldr h (const y) xs z
where h x k z = maybe y (\(v,w)-> g (x,v) (k w)) (f z)
3) as above, with arguments commuted.
4) zipWith xs ys = unfoldr u (xs,ys)
where u (x:xs,y:ys) = Just ((x,y),(xs,ys))
u _ = Nothing
We can squeeze reasonable-looking loops out of higher-order folds if
we're willing to do a little bit of work. We do end up relying on
transformations like worker/wrapper quite a bit to get rid of all
those tuples... But that's what worker/wrapper is for.
> So to get maximum fusion, the general rule seems to be "prefer to
> write
> producers in terms of unfoldr and consumers in terms of foldr".
Absolutely. The frustrating part: all those list transducers like
reverse, take, drop, inits, tails... Some of them are expressible as
folds or unfolds, but it's never terribly natural; we should expect
the resulting code to be pretty awful. For these, either build or
destroy seem to be indispensible.
So the real quest here is for something which unites build and
destroy. Then foldr and unfoldr are just a side show.
>> I'm still working out all the details - it may yet turn out that you
>> quickly reach dead-ends where further fusion does not occur. But I'm
>> hoping that it is possible to express whole trees of computation
>> (composition pipelines + branching at zipWith) rather than just
>> pipelines, in the one framework.
As I say, list transducers are a killer. Luckily map, concatMap, and
filter are friendly---these are necessary to make comprehensions work
out nicely. But other list functions are quite hard. I had a hack
for reverse (we can turn foldr into foldl and vice versa, and foldl
is just a higher-order foldr), but the general case is quite tricky.
This is all very timely, as I've been taking a trip down memory lane
lately; in Fortress we are representing catamorphisms in Boom-style
fold-form directly as objects, and expressing aggregates as build-
-Jan-Willem Maessen
> That's my feeling, too. But that should already be possible using
> destroy/unfoldr alone. Actually I can think of lots of interesting
> consumers that (seem to) require destroy (foldl, zip, ReadP), but
> of no
> interesting producers that would require build. I'd expect
> problems in
> situations with a single producer and multiple consumers, but those
> aren't currently deforested anyway.
> Regards,
> Udo.
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