Donald Bruce Stewart
dons at
Tue Apr 11 05:55:36 EDT 2006
> On Mon, Apr 10, 2006 at 06:00:59PM +0100, Chris Kuklewicz wrote:
> > Ross Paterson wrote:
> > > On Mon, Apr 10, 2006 at 03:54:09PM +0100, Chris Kuklewicz wrote:
> > >> If the goal is speed, then this definition is running over 10% faster with ghc
> > >> -O2 on my powerbook for (sum $ map length $ inits [1..10000])
> > >>
> > >> inits' = helper id
> > >> where helper f [] = (f []):[]
> > >> helper f (x:xs) = (f []):helper (f.(x:)) xs
> > >
> > > I rather like
> > >
> > > inits = map ($ []) . scanl (.) id . map (:)
> >
> > That takes 3 times longer than the helper function definition.
> Sorry, I meant it appeals to my perverse sense of aesthetics. It is of
> course the de-fused version of helper.
> > > inits = map reverse . scanl (flip (:)) []
> >
> > I would never try "reverse" when looking for performance, but that runs at the
> > same speed as the helper and allocates the same amount of space.
> It's not really surprising: the nested composition built by helper is
> essentially a list, which is traversed by ($ []). If scanl were defined
> using build it might run a tiny bit faster.
Ah! Looks like a bit like DList code, from a lib by Manuel Chakravarty:
-- | a difference list is a function that given a list returns the original
-- contents of the difference list prepended at the given list
type DList a = [a] -> [a]
-- | open a list for use as a difference list
openDL :: [a] -> DList a
openDL = (++)
-- | create a difference list containing no elements
zeroDL :: DList a
zeroDL = id
-- | create difference list with given single element
unitDL :: a -> DList a
unitDL = (:)
-- | append a single element at a difference list
snocDL :: DList a -> a -> DList a
snocDL dl x = \l -> dl (x:l)
-- | appending difference lists
joinDL :: DList a -> DList a -> DList a
joinDL = (.)
-- | closing a difference list into a normal list
closeDL :: DList a -> [a]
closeDL = ($[])
Which I've used on occasion to write faster code when doing lots of appends.
-- Don
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