Data.* collections maintenance
Adrian Hey
ahey at
Sat Oct 22 13:36:19 EDT 2005
On Saturday 22 Oct 2005 11:57 am, Adrian Hey wrote:
> 2- The Hedge algorithm seems to be a bit of a problem IMO. The actual
> benchmark times for AVL union and Data.Set union aren't
> significantly different for sets of Ints (AVL seemed marginally
> faster, but nothing to get excited about).
> But if you count the number of comparisons actually performed
> Data.Set (Hedge algorithm) is doing about 3..5 times as many
> comparisons. Presumably this would be reflected in measured
> execution times in cases where set element comparison was less
> trivial than comparing Ints.
I've just re-run some old benchmarking code to see what the latest
situation is re. this. There are 3 tests, all with random Ints:
Test1 : union of two different sets, both of size 200000
Test2 : union of two different sets, of size 200000 and 200
Test3 : union of two different sets, of size 200 and 200000.
Relative execution times (in no particular units) are:
Data.Tree.AVL Data.Set
Test1: 0.51 0.66
Test2: 1.07e-3 2.35e-3
Test3: 1.07e-3 2.32e-3
So it seems if there's a big difference in set size the difference
in performance isn't so marginal after all. The above tests do not
include comparison counting overhead. If I count the number of
comparisons the same tests give..
Data.Tree.AVL Data.Set
Test1: 470668 1562230
Test2: 2449 11336
Test3: 2445 11238
Adrian Hey
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