Hex Values
Dominic Steinitz
dominic.steinitz at blueyonder.co.uk
Sun Nov 13 08:51:22 EST 2005
I often find myself wanting to print out hex values as a string. I couldn't
find a library function so I came up with this. Is it worth putting in a
library? The obvious place for me would be Data.Codec.Utils.
hexify :: Integral a => a -> Doc
hexify n =
let bar = map (map sh) (split 16 (toOctets 256 n))
foo = map (intersperse colon) (map (map text) bar)
baz = vcat (map hcat foo)
in baz
sh x | x < 16 = showHex x "0"
| otherwise = showHex x ""
split :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
split n xs =
unfoldr (g n) xs where
g :: Int -> [a] -> Maybe ([a],[a])
g n y
| length y == 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (splitAt n y)
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