Extending Cabal

Malcolm Wallace Malcolm.Wallace at cs.york.ac.uk
Thu May 12 05:37:06 EDT 2005

At a tangent to what Krasimir said:

>                       The only visible change that is required is to
> replace hs-source-dir field to hs-source-dirs where the latter will
> accept a list of directories. The parser can still accept
> hs-source-dir for backward compatibility.

I was thinking yesterday about whether it would be possible
to extend Cabal's parser to allow different spellings for the
individual field names in the .cabal file?  Krasimir's example of
backward-compatibility is one use-case.  For myself, I was wondering
about internationalisation, e.g. "license" is spelled "licence"
in English, "author" is spelled "auteur" in French, etc.

AFAICS, it would be reasonably straightforward to change the type of
   StanzaField { fieldName :: String, ... }
   StanzaField { fieldName :: [String], ... }


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