Cabal and c2hs

Isaac Jones ijones at
Fri May 6 02:39:16 EDT 2005

Manuel M T Chakravarty <chak at> writes:

> Isaac Jones wrote:
>> Dominic Steinitz <dominic.steinitz at> writes:
> [..]
>> I don't use c2hs myself; is there any pattern to the .h files we might
>> want to preprocess?  Any way to derive it from the sources or the
>> module names?  I'm not sure how better to support the kind of thing
>> you need.
> Explicit specification of .h files on the command line is mainly
> supported for backward compatibility with old versions of c2hs.  The
> suggested way of handling this with the current c2hs is to have a
> "#include" in the .chs file.  (This does *not* require to run cpp over
> the .chs file.  c2hs understands and interprets cpp directives
> directly.)

Thanks for the info :)

> It would be nice if future versions of Cabal could directly support c2hs
> instead of requiring explicit setting of "hookedPreProcessors".  If I
> can help with this, let me know.  In the long run, I want to change
> c2hs' build system over to Cabal, too.

Cabal does support c2hs directly, except that there's a slight bug
(fixed in HEAD) where there's a space at the front of generated
files. Using hookedPreProcessors to over-ride the built-in behavior is
a workaround for this bug.



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