RFC: Time Library 0.1

Ketil Malde ketil+haskell at ii.uib.no
Thu Jul 7 04:36:57 EDT 2005

Ashley Yakeley <ashley at semantic.org> writes:

>> getLeapSecondTable = do [....]

> Returning a built-in table is worse than useless, as any program 
> compiled with it will soon break.

Apparently, that's what the Perl library (libdatetime-leapsecond-perl)
does.  (It's the only thing I can find on my box that seems to worry
about leap seconds)

"break" as in "give slightly inaccurate results".

> We could however check for /etc/leapseconds.txt, that might be useful. 
> But it's not clear what the behaviour on Windows or other platforms 
> should be.

Is /etc/leapseconds.txt a standardized file/location at all?

> readLeapSecondTable :: FilePath -> IO LeapSecondTable

It would be nice if it had the ability to fetch the table over the net
as well, perhaps?

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