RFC: Time Library 0.1
Ashley Yakeley
ashley at semantic.org
Wed Jul 6 04:17:03 EDT 2005
In article <20050705161044.GA14040 at soi.city.ac.uk>,
Ross Paterson <ross at soi.city.ac.uk> wrote:
> Some nits:
> - the DayEncoding and FormatTime instances for ModJulianDay (a synonym
> for Integer) aren't Haskell 98.
What's the 98 rule on this? GHC with extensions off doesn't seem to mind.
> - to make it build with Hugs, add {-# CFILES timestuff.c #-} to
> System/Time/Calendar/Timezone.hs and Include-Dirs: . to TimeLib.cabal.
added to TODO list
> - some modules are exposed but hidden from Haddock.
How do I hide modules?
> - the docs should say DiffTime and UTCDiffTime are in seconds.
added to TODO list
> It might be useful to put the day-only stuff (ModJulianDay, DayEncoding,
> YearDay, GregorianDay, ISOWeek, isLeapYear, mondayStartWeek and
> sundayStartWeek) in a separate module.
The original plan was to stick to just three modules, but I tend to
agree that splitting Calendar as you say would be an improvement. Any
Also I may rename ISOWeek to ISOWeekDay.
Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA
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